- It's been fairly well established in certain circles that the New York office of the FBI was essentially a "Trump for President" campaign center. In fact, there have been some incredibly dark suspicions raised by the behaviors of some very dark actors, indeed, including "Count Rudolph" Giuliani, "Bloody Erik" Prince and other elements within that office who conspired to wreck Hillary's chances and boost Trump's. Seth Abramson has been doing a fantastic job of tying together the flailing strands of this story-yet-to-be-told from the very beginning, even before the election. Read this comprehensive and hair-raising narrative about it -- accurately titled "Bigger than Watergate" -- to get a better idea of why yer old pal Jerky has been so fucking freaked out and frazzled lately. Personally, I think Abramson is right on the money. It's just one more piece of the puzzle when it comes to the New Fascist International installing their boy Trump in the White House.
- Well, what do you know? It turns out this bullshit neocon anti-Obama hit-piece, which accuses Obama of going easy on Hezbollah not to endanger his Iran nuclear deal negotiations and is being echoed and amplified by the Far Right Fake News propaganda echo chamber is absolute, 100% BULLSHIT! Seems like a popular strategy with The Powers That Be these days, though, doesn't it? Trump does something awful, and then a bunch of twits pop up screaming "OBAMA DID IT TOO!" Trump's racist gestapo deportation efforts, the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica revelations... all led to "OBAMA DID IT TOO! OBAMA DID IT TOO!" And then, when you look into it, it invariably turns out that, no... No, he did not. But hey, I'm sure it keeps the base happy. Right?
- Every day, from increasingly desperate insiders trying to get the word out, we learn more about how Donald Trump seethes, ruminates and deteriorates mentally. Meanwhile, nobody seems to be willing to talk about the fact that hardcore Christo-fascist right-wingers who've been groomed from infancy to be the instruments of God’s wrath on Earth (via the world's largest nuclear arsenal, which they hope to put to use at the first possible moment) and who've been placed strategically throughout various governmental agencies in case an opportunity precisely like this one were ever to present itself, giving them a chance to turn Biblical prophecy into reality, thus justifying their worldview and wrapping up all of reality with a bright red bow, which I guess, in some ways, would make them the “winners”? Jesus Camp. Special universities that cater exclusively to home-schooled members of the Dominionist and Reconstructionist Christian cults, funded by billionaire benefactor True Believers who take the most promising graduates and put them to work in their network of think tanks and policy institutes and almost never in actual, real academia (which they're working tirelessly to denigrate and sideline), because peer review and public scrutiny would soon suss out the fact that they are a danger to themselves and others, and where nihilistic eschatological theology is generally frowned upon, particularly as public policy. Know what I mean?
Innocent Question #257837 ~ In all seriousness, have the Trump regime and the GOP hired veteran Scientology propagandists to run their ongoing multiple smear campaigns against those they deem to be a threat to their lucrative criminal pursuits? Because their recent efforts reek of 90's era Scientology tactics. Take a look at this disgusting and ludicrous website that they slapped together to smear James Comey as a case in point.
Innocent Question #257838 ~ Have you ever wondered why it is that the Alt Right so often sympathizes with insane mass murderers? Personally, I think it's because they're all just one sub-optimal encounter with a minimum wage service industry drone away from shooting up and/or crashing their mom's car into the nearest crowd of innocent bystanders, themselves. ALL OF THEM.
Innocent Question #257839 ~ Don't believe Stormy Daniels about being threatened by a Trump thug? Then how about these people? Please note that not only did these people describe their encounters with Trump-hired goons contemporaneous to the events in question, but some of them even contacted the authorities at the time, which once caused Trump to behave in highly suspicious behavior afterwards, in an obvious, desperate, and failed attempt to make himself look blameless.
If you'd rather read it, or want to clip and save it (which I recommend), then check out the post on Eric's blog, instead.