Political researcher, commentator, and Twitter superstar Leah McElrath has brewed up a Tweetstorm for the ages. And what great luck for yours truly that her research backs up and dovetails beautifully with my own New Fascist International "conspiracy theory". Just read this tsunami of terrible truth and you'll begin to understand about Alexandr Dugin, Vladimir Putin, Richard Spencer, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, propaganda, psy-ops, cyberwarfare, the 2016 election, and everything else connected to the Beast that we're facing down in these, the most interesting of times. - Jerky
- Guess who said this was their goal: "the strategic control of the USA...and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us."
- Alexandr Dugin is Putin's geopolitical ideological mentor. He outlined a vision for a new Russian Empire. Above is part of his strategy.
- Alexandr Dugin has a Facebook page. Days after the U.S. election, he posted "So. Washington is ours."
- I encourage you to read Dugin's FB page for yourself, while remembering he is literally Putin's idealogical mentor.
- During the U.S. presidential campaign, Dugin "endorsed" Donald Trump.
- Dugin's Facebook page is awash with praise for Trump and celebrations of Trump's win.
- Dugin's (read: Putin's) ideology is a bizarre blend of white supremacy and a geographical emphasis on "Eurasia".
- The explicit, literal goal of Dugin's/Putin's ideology is destruction of Western liberalism and destabilization of Western democracies.
- Guess who else besides Putin likes Dugin (and writes for his website)? "Alt Right" founder and darling of Breitbart: Richard Spencer.
- This is Richard Spencer retweeting Alexandr Dugin's tweet featuring an article by Spencer on Dugin's website:
- Richard Spencer's wife is a Russian scholar who has translated Dugin's work to English.
- Spencer's "Alt Right" neo-Nazi rebrand gained a natl platform on Breitbart thanks to Trump advisor Steve Bannon:
- This is a thorough compilation on @dailykos of resources regarding Putin, Dugin, Spencer, Bannon, and Trump:
- Key to understanding Durbin/Putin and Bannon/Trump: Their shared ideological goal is restoring white male supremacy a/k/a "TRADITIONALISM".
- Please note: I'm NOT using "white male supremacy" in some sort of race or gender studies buzzword way here. This is their LITERAL goal.
- Under traditionalist ideology, outgrowths of liberalism like sexual/racial equality, reproductive freedom, & same-sex marriage are anathema.
- This is why conservatives Republicans like @davidfrum and @BillKristol speak out against Trump and his ilk. There's an ideological split.
- United in their aversion to multiculturalism and liberalism, these so-called traditionalists reach out to one another across national lines.
- However, while traditionalists might reach out across national boundaries, the reality appears to be Russia has played THE dominant role.
- Much of what we perceive to be American fringe right wing content appears to originate from Russia's Dugin.
- Anti-Muslim fear mongering? Dugin. Anti-liberalism? Dugin. Anti-Soros? Dugin. Satanic pedophile rings? Dugin. Swamp metaphors? Dugin.
- It's as though Dugin threaded his arm right through Steve Bannon's orifices and into Trump's bottom to make the Donald a literal puppet.
- Trump + Breitbart + viral false news written in Balkans & shared on FB + Twitter "alt right" & "alt left" social botnets = destabilization
- Dugin's ideology was spread throughout the U.S. campaign season via a massive Russia propaganda and cyber warfare campaign.
- I'm not saying the United States doesn't have its own native fractures. Racism and misogyny are thickly woven in our cultural fabric.
- In war, you seek to exploit the weaknesses of your enemy. Putin poured *massive* resources into existing U.S. fissures to crack them open.
- That's how I got started down this line of inquiry: I noticed on the DAY AFTER THE ELECTION that the MAGA botnets were gone. Gone. Poof.
- I didn't think to make copies of my block lists beforehand because I didn't understand botnets. I thought even "trolls" were real people.
- Like all vocal Clinton supporters, I was targeted hard over the last year. I blocked hundreds, perhaps thousands, of MAGA accounts.
- When I noticed the MAGA silence the day after the election, I checked my block list. Only a few dozen of those accounts remained.
- When I realized those accounts had been a weapon of either the Trump campaign itself or a supporting entity (i.e. Russia), I began digging.
- A lot of the MAGA/grandma/veteran/Christian/IStandWithIsrael accounts? Botnets. A lot of the Bernie Bro/NeverHillary accounts? Botnets.
- Many Americans on social media during this election thought we were fighting with each other when we were really being targeted by psy-ops.
- To bring this back to Dugin: 1. Internally destabilizing the U.S. weakens us. 2. A weak U.S. is easier to overpower strategically.
- Putting a Putin puppet in office as POTUS? That's the coup de grace. We must do everything legally in our power to stop it. #RESIST
- Adding this by @Russian_Starr to my thread on Dugin and U.S. destabilization:

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